Our Team

It is my utmost pleasure to introduce to you the incredibly talented, dedicated, and hardworking team that has been instrumental in achieving tremendous success for our esteemed company. These individuals are the driving force behind our company's growth, and their unwavering commitment to excellence has helped us attain new heights in the industry.

Ali Abbas


Ali Abbas, visionary entrepreneur and mastermind behind the success of VOID Essence as its founder and CEO leading everyone from the front.

Saba Shah


Saba Shah, a prominent co-founder and an integral part of the manufacturing team, leads VOID Essence to new heights.

Eid Muhammad


Eid Muhammad, the CTO of VOID Essence, confidently leads the company technically and is a vital contributor to its success.

Muhammad Yasen

Senior Logistic Lead

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary

Khalil Jibran

Marketing Lead

Khalil Jibran, leading the marketing department of VOID Essence from the front.

Haris Butt

Creative Lead

A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary